I just have to say that I have absolutely nothing against law enforcement. I try to follow the rules so I don't have to be involved with an officer but any time that I am I comply and have always been on my way with no issue. But obviously we don't all live on the same place or same skin. I appreciate all of the law enforcement agents and officers who risk their lives on a daily basis to protect and serve their community and respect them and the badge they wear. There are thousands of police officers in this country and a few bad ones that have been brought to light recently; and by bad I mean, either poorly trained, poorly supervised, angry, have a superiority complex, or what ever the issue is....I don't care. It is ridiculous the amount of police related deaths that are happening. If your life is not being threatened why are you using such harsh force. This brutality has got to stop. I do understand that it isn't all kitties and rainbows out there and force will be required in some cases, use of your firearm will be necessary, harming or killing a perpetrator will be necessary...I get it and agree that IT IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. But why was Troy hog tied face down? Actually I don't even care that he was hog tied to subdue, why was he transported to the hospital face down still hog tied? Why was his family told he was ok then told he was dead an hour later? I get that he wasn't complying and some force was needed. Fine. But why is he now dead and a family heartbroken? Whay was Sandy Bland forcibly pulled from her car? She did absolutely nothing wrong. The police officer was looking for an altercation. I have been watching the videos and speculation on her feath and in my opinion it is a coverup. To much evidence. To all of the good cops out there, we see you...keep up the great work and thank you for your service. To the rest of you, I hope you are off the streets as soons with swift force and punishment.