Friday, November 29, 2013
So my husband's mother and her boyfriend drove in from Pittsburgh on Tuesday. We had not told them the good news so I was kind of on egg shells, especially since I have been off my Lexapro for a few weeks and am a little irritable...and exhausted. I get a little cranky about the smallest of things now. For example; empty cups being left by house guests on the sunroom table (put them in the damn sink) or a house guest spending over an hour in our bathroom (which we only have one in the house). These things would normally be a drop in the bucket, but being hormonal and off my was difficult not to say anything. I have been walking around daily wanting to rip off faces due to my irritability but I have totally kept myself in check. Thankfully this is family so I love them...and no ripping off of the faces would be happening. Good thing is it was only for 2 days and we spilled the beans at dinner last night to my parents, his mom and her friend, my sister and niece. This news was intended to be met with cheers and hugs, but all we got was a little congrats. My mom already knew so it wasn't crazy news to her and my father offered his congratulation and asked questions. He even talked to my step-siblings about it when they all spoke last night. My mother-in-law on the other hand just said congratulations and moved on to another topic of conversation. In the years that I have known her she has never been an overly excitable or emotional person, but I though we'd get a little more out of her. On the car ride home my husband asked her if she was excited and she replied in the positive and we chatted a little about it. I guess it is too early to expect much though. I am only 6 weeks (and 2 days, lol) I am getting really impatient for our first ultrasound on Dec 11th. Less than 2 weeks til I get to hear this little cashew's heartbeat and know that everything is ok...or at least as ok as it can be. You never know what will happen or what chromosomes or ailments or missing parts there might be, but you have to hope for the best. I am trying to hope for the best but it is scary. That one little positive test has turned me into a worrier. I am already trying to figure out when I can start cleaning the office so the spare room can be moved into the office and we can start on the nursery. I know I shouldn't start the nursery until we get through the 1st trimester but I really want to start cleaning the office. Then of course I am worried about everythign that has to do with pregnancy, birth, parenting, our house, work...etc. This is probably a good indicator as to why I take Lexapro for anxiety and depression. But for baby sake I will be neurotic and crazy and irritable and anxious. But as soon as this sucker pops out, hello nurse. Give me my lexapro!!!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
I've been waiting for you....
I got knocked up...and when I say this I don't mean that I had a crazy night, or didn't mean to...I full heartedly was trying to get pregnant. The Hubbs and I have been together for over 7 years and married for 4 years. When we got married we said that we would hold off on kids for at least a year. That first year came and went and with lots of unexpected issues, we waited. We waited and waited and waited and I purposefully didn't get pregnant. Then the time finally came when the planets and stars were aligned properly and things were about as much in order as they were going to get. I got off the pill this past spring with the plan of not trying to get pregnant until this summer. And then the trying began. While it was definitely fun...the monthly surprise from Mother Nature sucked. I am lucky that it only took 5 months, but still they were a rather long 5 months. It was like putting up a Christmas Tree or lighting the menorah and expecting the gift immediately...but it didn't come. Instead of days spent planning a nursery, or my next meal or hell...even throwing up and being nauseous, my days revolved around why I wasn't pregnant and what we were going to do differently next month. Finally, about a week and a half ago I couldn't wait (like always) to take a pregnancy test...early. I couldn't wait to miss my period or even until the day I was to start, I could only wait about 5 days before. Not that the test is completely accurate 5 days before but still, I am about as impatient as they come so I stopped at a Kroger Pharmacy on the way to my mom's to sit with my grandmother and bought a test. It was a EPT and as soon as I finished gulping my drink in the car on the way over and ran into the house the test was being unwrapped and peed on. I didn't sit and wait and watch for a line to appear, I walked into the other room...for all of about 30 seconds. When I went back I saw something I had never seen before...ever...a faint little line indicating that I was pregnant. I didn't believe it and even had to call a friend to make sure I wasn't crazy. That thin little barely there line. In the coming days I took 3 more tests just to make sure and every time there was a very faint line saying I was pregnant. Needless to say my impatient self was in the OBGYN office 5 days later getting complete verification and my first pregnancy workup and exam. I am Pregnant!!!! My life has only changed slightly in the last week and a half. It really hasn't sunken in yet that I am actually pregnant. I mean, I know I am, but it is still so surreal. I am going to be someone's mom. So far I haven't puked but hey, I'm only 5 weeks so far so you never know. I am hoping that child carrying is genetic because my mom said I was such an easy pregnancy and she was never sick. I was also born after only 3 hours in labor. A girl can dream right? I am excited to meet the little person on (or near) July 22nd, but first lets just hope for a heartbeat in a couple weeks.
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